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Nonfiction Meneket Rivkah: A Manual of Wisdom and Piety for Jewish Women Rivkah bat Meir; Samuel Spinner, trans.
Nonfiction The House of Secrets: The Hidden World of the Mikveh Varda Polak-Sahm; Anne Hartstein Pace, trans.
Nonfiction The Women Who Reconstructed American Jewish Education, 1910 – 1965 Carol K. Ingall, ed.
Nonfiction Gretel’s Story: A Young Woman’s Secret War Against the Nazis Gretel Wachtel and Claudia Strachan
Nonfiction Four Kitchens: My Life Behind the Burner in New York, Hanoi, Tel Aviv, and Paris Lauren Shockey
Essay Their (Our) Time Has Come On Tuesday, Trina Robbins wrote about a Jewish woman who drew comics. She has been blogging all week for the Jewish Book… Trina Robbins October 27, 2011
Essay Great Women, Cut Short Trina Robbins is the author of the just-released Lily Renee: Escape Artist, the Jewish superhero comic book GoGirl, and tons of other books.Today I’m… Trina Robbins October 25, 2011
Nonfiction Surprised by God: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Religion Danya Ruttenberg