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Nonfiction Mitzvah Girls: Bringing Up The Next Generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn Ayala Fader
Nonfiction Memoirs of a Grandmother: Scenes from the Cultural History of the Jews of Russia in the Nineteenth Century Pauline Wengeroff; Shulamit S. Magnus, trans. with notes and commentary
Nonfiction An American Experience: Adeline Moses Loeb and Her Early American Jewish Ancestors John L. Loeb, Jr., Kathy L. Plotkin, Margaret Loeb Kempner, Judith E. Endelman
Nonfiction The Girls of Room 28: Friendship, Hope, and Survival in Theresientstadt Hanalore Brenner; John E. Woods and Shelley Frisch, trans.
Nonfiction A Jewish Feminine Mystique? Jewish Women in Postwar America Hasia R. Diner, Shira Kohn, and Rachel Kranson, eds.
Nonfiction Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During The Holocaust Sonia M. Hedgepeth and Rochelle G. Saidel, eds.