
90s Bitch: Media, Cul­ture, and the Failed Promise of Gen­der Equality

  • From the Publisher
May 4, 2018

To under­stand how we got here, we have rewind the VHS tape. 90s Bitch tells the real sto­ry of women and girls in the 1990s, explor­ing how they were maligned by the media, vil­i­fied by pop­u­lar cul­ture, and objec­ti­fied in the mar­ket­place. Trail­blaz­ing women like Hillary Clin­ton, Ani­ta Hill, Mar­cia Clark, and Roseanne Barr were under­mined. News­mak­ers like Mon­i­ca Lewin­sky, Tonya Hard­ing, and Lore­na Bob­bitt were shamed and mis­un­der­stood. The advent of the 24-hour news cycle rein­forced soci­ety’s deeply entrenched sex­ism. Mean­while, mar­keters hijacked fem­i­nism and poi­soned girl­hood for a gen­er­a­tion of young women.

Today, there are echoes of 90s bitchi­fi­ca­tion” near­ly every­where we look. To under­stand why, we must revis­it and inter­ro­gate the 1990s – a decade in which female empow­er­ment was twist­ed into objec­ti­fi­ca­tion, exploita­tion, and subjugation.

Yarrow’s thought­ful, juicy, and time­ly exam­i­na­tion is a must-read for any­one try­ing to under­stand 21st cen­tu­ry sex­ism and end it for the next generation.

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