
A Taste of Torah

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

A Taste of Torah offers a week­ly por­tion of great food, divrei Torah, and sto­ries based on the parashah to enjoy with the whole fam­i­ly. Cook up qual­i­ty time with your kids and cel­e­brate Shab­bat togeth­er as a fam­i­ly with a gourmet recipe for your Shab­bat table — with tips for prepar­ing the dish with your lit­tle sous chefs! Shab­bat comes alive when the week’s Torah por­tion — and the chil­dren’s own hand­i­work — is beau­ti­ful­ly laid out on the Shab­bat table.

Each recipe is fol­lowed by a dvar Torah for the old­er chil­dren and a bed­time sto­ry for the younger ones. A Taste of Torah is the per­fect addi­tion to any­one’s library or kitchen, serv­ing up ancient tra­di­tions and val­ues in bite-size serv­ings per­fect for shar­ing with the next generation.

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