
Short Order Dad

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

39% of men are now the pri­ma­ry chefs in their house­holds. Mil­lions strug­gle with how to please the whole fam­i­ly. Whether clue­less in the kitchen, pan-fry pho­bic, or already a skilled cook, Short Order Dad is here to help.

Robert Rosen­thal, a trained chef, standup come­di­an and real-life dad, under­stands guys: he’s been one his whole life! He teach­es basic tech­niques and presents a play­book of sim­ple recipes that achieve the most taste with the fewest ingre­di­ents and the least effort.

Some men shrink from recipes because they’re about as much fun as dri­ving direc­tions. Oth­ers asso­ciate cook­ing with feel­ing incom­pe­tent, the fear of fail­ure, or appear­ing fem­i­nine. Yet noth­ing is sex­i­er than a guy who can cook for his fam­i­ly, and Chef Rosen­thal deliv­ers the pow­er tools nec­es­sary to gain con­fi­dence in the kitchen. Men and women alike are sure to get a kick out of this for­mer come­di­an’s humor­ous style — as well as a fab­u­lous meal!

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