
About Man and God and Law: The Spir­i­tu­al Wis­dom of Bob Dylan

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

About Man and God and Law is the sto­ry of how Bob Dylan sparked a rev­o­lu­tion of the spir­it and why it mat­ters today.

Many of our assump­tions about empa­thy, sen­su­al plea­sure, and the essence of work, com­mu­ni­ty, coun­try, race, and the divine have ger­mi­nat­ed in Bob Dylan’s need to know what’s blow­ing in the wind and how it feels. Trac­ing his work and vision through themes that have shaped reli­gious and cul­tur­al his­to­ry for mil­len­i­na, Stephen Daniel Arnoff uncov­ers how Bob Dylan has re-enchant­ed ancient ques­tions of mean­ing and pur­pose through­out pop­u­lar cul­ture, inspir­ing a pan­theon of prophet­ic musi­cians along the way. This field guide to Dylan’s spir­i­tu­al wis­dom aims to make good on he promise that if we look close­ly enough at this body of work — pre­cise­ly at a moment when the world we thought we knew seems like unchart­ed ter­ri­to­ry — we can open up our eyes to see not only where we real­ly are, but where we need to go.

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