
Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

This unique­ly inti­mate mem­oir of a life­long friend­ship with Bob Dylan offers nev­er-before-told sto­ries, behind-the-scenes glimpses, rare pho­tos, and affec­tion­ate anec­dotes about one of the key fig­ures in Amer­i­can music and let­ters. With a cast of char­ac­ters that includes Mar­lon Bran­do, Cher, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Den­nis Hop­per, Louie’s moth­er, and many more, Dylan & Me is the ulti­mate rock-and-roll biog­ra­phy – a back­stage pass” to Louie and Bob’s life, friend­ships, and music by the guy who was there every step of the way.

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