
City of Flick­er­ing Light: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

It’s July 1921, flick­ers” are all the rage, and Irene Van Beck has just declared her own inde­pen­dence by jump­ing off a mov­ing train to escape her fate in a trav­el­ing bur­lesque show. When her friends, fel­low dancer Mil­lie Mar­tin, and come­di­an Hen­ry Weiss, leap after her, the trio finds their way to the bright lights of Hol­ly­wood with hopes of mak­ing it big in the bur­geon­ing silent film indus­try. At first glance, Hol­ly­wood in the 1920s is like no oth­er place on earth and the three friends yearn for a life they could only have dreamed of before. But despite the glam­our and seduc­tion of Tin­sel­town, suc­cess doesn’t come easy. With their ambi­tions chal­lenged, their friend­ship is the only con­stant through des­per­ate times, as each strug­gles to find their true call­ing in an uncer­tain world. What begins as a quest for fame and for­tune soon becomes a col­lec­tive search for love, accep­tance, and ful­fill­ment as they nav­i­gate the back­lots and stage sets where the illu­sions of the sil­ver screen are brought to life.

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