
Devel­op­ment, Learn­ing, and Com­mu­ni­ty: Edu­cat­ing for Iden­ti­ty in Plu­ral­is­tic Jew­ish High Schools

Jef­frey S. Kress
  • From the Publisher
December 11, 2012

Devel­op­ment, Learn­ing, and Com­mu­ni­ty uses data drawn from a study of plu­ral­is­tic Jew­ish high schools to illus­trate the com­plex and often chal­leng­ing inter­play between the cog­ni­tive and socio-affec­tive ele­ments of edu­ca­tion. Through­out, Kress grap­ples with ques­tions such as: How can the bal­ance between com­mu­ni­ty cohe­sion and group dif­fer­ences be achieved in diverse set­tings? What are the edu­ca­tion­al impli­ca­tions of an approach to iden­ti­ty devel­op­ment root­ed in con­tem­po­rary devel­op­men­tal the­o­ries that posit the inter­ac­tion among cog­ni­tion, affect, and behav­ior? How can the for­mal” and infor­mal” offer­ings of a school coa­lesce to address these broad­ly con­ceived iden­ti­ty out­comes, and what are the chal­lenges in doing so?

Discussion Questions