
Din­ner: A Love Story

Jen­ny Rosenstrach
  • From the Publisher
April 27, 2012
This is a love sto­ry – about one woman, a fam­i­ly and a rit­u­al. Jen­ny Rosen­stra­ch – and her hus­band, Andy – reg­u­lar­ly, some might say patho­log­i­cal­ly, cook din­ner for their fam­i­ly every night. They split up the labor. They shop ear­ly, strate­gize and plan togeth­er. They com­pro­mise. They make rules. They have removed most of the major stum­bling blocks – emo­tion­al, irra­tional and oth­er­wise – from din­ner, so that they can enjoy the meal as it was meant to be: good food, a time to unwind, share news, and sim­ply be togeth­er as a fam­i­ly. Her book brings all the best ele­ments of the web site togeth­er with new recipes, pho­tos and illus­tra­tions, and it has some­thing for every kind of din­ner din­er. The first sec­tion, Rela­tion­ships and Reper­toires (19982002) is for read­ers who do not have kids or for those who do have kids but nev­er learned the basics of home cook­ing. Between sto­ries of mishaps and may­hem, Jen­ny shares the fam­i­ly recipes that became the pil­lars of their every­day. In New Par­ent­hood (20022006), it was back to square one – how to cook when you can’t step away from the baby? And Fam­i­ly Din­ner (20062010) is filled with real­is­tic, yet inspir­ing” recipes that have made din​ner​alovesto​ry​.com a des­ti­na­tion site for moms and dads.


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