– March 9, 2012
For obvious reasons, Jewish religious critiques of Christianity have been rare indeed. And, despite the title of this book, this is not one. Distinguished philosopher Richard Popkin has contributed an interesting twenty-five page introduction which details the history of one famous example, that written in 1593 by a Karaite Rabbi, Isaac of Troki. The Rabbi’s work was distributed in manuscript and printed synopses and had a certain influence over the next few centuries. The bulk of this book, however, is not from the Rabbi, but is a rather fascinating footnote to history, an anti-Christian polemic by George Bethune English, a former Unitarian minister from Boston, turned soldier, diplomat, and secret agent. Not to steal thunder from this interesting character, or his arguments, but if we are to learn about a Jewish dispute with Christianity, better to read it from the pen of the Rabbi.
Jeff Bogursky reads a lot, writes a little and talks quite a bit. He is a media executive and expert in digital media.