
Don’t Roll Your Eyes: Mak­ing Your In-Laws into Family

  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
More than two mil­lion cou­ples wed every year in the Unit­ed States, bring­ing togeth­er a whole new fam­i­ly unit. How do fam­i­lies han­dle the inevitable fric­tion and how do they make sense of evolv­ing fam­i­ly rela­tion­ships? Ruth Nem­zoff, an expert in fam­i­ly dynam­ics, empow­ers fam­i­ly mem­bers across the gen­er­a­tions to define and cre­ate last­ing bonds, includ­ing how to:

*Wel­come a new in-law from a dif­fer­ent cul­ture and reli­gion into your fam­i­ly.

*Not let dif­fer­ences of pol­i­tics or phi­los­o­phy impact qual­i­ty time with the extend­ed fam­i­ly.

*Respond to major life changes in an in-law’s life, includ­ing finan­cial crises, ill­ness­es, or career changes.

*Retain warm con­nec­tions with in-laws even amidst divorce and remar­riage.

This is a must read for any­one deal­ing with a dif­fi­cult in-law as well as any­one who will soon be wel­com­ing a new mem­ber to their family.

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