
Every­thing You Ever Wanted

  • From the Publisher
May 18, 2015

In 2010, Jil­lian Lau­ren tum­bled head­first onto the lit­er­ary scene with her best­selling debut, Some Girls: My Life in a Harem. Now Jil­lian returns with Every­thing You Ever Want­ed, shar­ing the zigzag­ging path that took her from mem­ber of a harem to mem­ber of the PTA. This hilar­i­ous and poignant mem­oir explores com­plex issues of iden­ti­ty and rein­ven­tion. It is a redemp­tion sto­ry in which Jil­lian only finds her Hap­pi­ly Ever After by final­ly real­iz­ing there’s no such thing. Every­thing You Ever Want­ed is a must – read for every­one — espe­cial­ly every moth­er — who has ever hoped for a sec­ond act in life.

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