In Found, the protagonist continues an action-packed journey started in the two previous novels of the series. The story begins with a shocking scene — Mickey’s journey to find his father’s killer. The teenager is faced with numerous tests including a challenging social situation where he has to succeed in a basketball team where he is the only sophomore among older students who have been together for years. Mickey is living with an uncle while his mother is in drug rehab and his father is presumed dead. Besides school work, he is involved in a network to help children at risk. His Jewish identity is not central to the plot but an Auschwitz survivor who saved children during the Holocaust is an important side character. At times people who seem to be enemies change to allies and allies might flip to sinister villains. The important themes in the book are being loyal to friends, defending justice and standing firm for what is right.
Recommended for ages 12 and up.
Dina Weinstein is a Richmond, Virginia-based writer.