
Franzis­ca’s Box

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Mys­tery, betray­al, mur­der, and pas­sion­ate love were things Sofia Lazar only expe­ri­enced as a movie pro­duc­er. All of that changed after her grand­moth­er’s sud­den death, when she came face-to-face with an unwant­ed rev­e­la­tion con­tained in a tat­tered box. The mea­ger con­tents of the box take her back to her child­hood and the fan­tas­tic bed­time sto­ries that Abuela, her grand­moth­er, used to tell her of a hero­ic war­rior girl named Franzis­ca. Now, two decades lat­er, frag­ments of Franzis­ca’s sto­ries creep back into Sofi­a’s life, tying Franzis­ca and her grand­moth­er to an unknown past. With the mem­o­ries of her child­hood bed­time sto­ries to guide her, Sofia sets out to piece togeth­er her grand­moth­er’s mys­te­ri­ous his­to­ry, lead­ing her to dis­cov­er the truth behind her life. Set against the back­drop of World War II Roma­nia, the immi­gra­tion of Nazi crim­i­nals into South Amer­i­ca, the lat­er years of the Mil­i­tary Regime in Argenti­na dur­ing the 1980s, and present-day Cal­i­for­nia, Franzis­ca’s Box is a sto­ry of war that ulti­mate­ly affects three gen­er­a­tions of women who will nev­er find peace until they call for a cease­fire in their own wars and sur­ren­der to for­give­ness and love.

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