The magic continues in the fun and sassy second installment of the Bras and Broomsticks Trilogy. This is a fun, lighthearted book with a Jewish protagonist named Rachel, who is a bit jealous that her sister Miri and her mother are witches with magical powers. The novel begins on a nighttime flight during spring break in the dark, country sky. When Miri finds some soon-to-be slaughtered cows, she sends them to safety — in this case — Rachel’s high school gym. Damages are high and the upcoming prom threatened.
But the prom problem is just the beginning. Mom and Miri start acting more like witches gone wild than their usual level headed selves. Mom creates a new wardrobe, complete with cleavage. Dating fills her calendar, with no time left for family. Miri’s quest to save the world make her studies suffer. And of course, that allimportant love spell goes predictably wrong. It’s up to Rachel to impose some limits. She learns that nothing important ever comes easily.
Although Miri’s “Save the World List” makes a great magical tikkun olam list, references to Judaism remain strictly sidebar, limited to flashbacks. The first-person narrative is fast-paced and smart. Subplots are predictable, but the surprise ending will make readers wish they could wiggle their noses to conjure up the forthcoming conclusion.
For ages 12 and up.