
From Infin­i­ty to Man: The Fun­da­men­tal Ideas of Kab­bal­ah With­in the Frame­work of Infor­ma­tion The­o­ry and Quan­tum Physics

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

To be mys­ti­cal” is defined as hav­ing a spir­i­tu­al sym­bol­ic or alle­gor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance that tran­scends human under­stand­ing”. In this ground-break­ing book, Eduard Shyfrin (PHD) shows that the ideas of Jew­ish mys­ti­cism (Kab­bal­ah) also res­onate with the ideas of 21st cen­tu­ry science. 

Shyfrin explains Kab­bal­is­tic ideas with the sup­port of infor­ma­tion the­o­ry and quan­tum physics. Equal­ly, the rid­dles of mod­ern sci­ence are explained with the help of Kab­bal­ah. For ease of read­ing, brief intro­duc­tions to Kab­bal­ah, to the the­o­ry of infor­ma­tion and to quan­tum physics are pro­vid­ed. This is a book about cre­ation and the role of man in it divine prov­i­dence, mir­a­cles good, evil, and the soul.

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