
Trav­els with Sushi in the Land of the Mind

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Aaron & Stel­la spend sum­mers at their grand­par­ents, play­ing on the beach dur­ing the day & eat­ing sushi at night. One evening, the chil­dren try some spe­cial sushi which trans­ports them to an alter­nate uni­verse, The Land of the Mind, a place tra­di­tion­al­ly gov­erned by math & quan­tum physics, which is being tak­en over by evil and chaos.

The chil­dren are tasked with res­cu­ing the Book of Under­stand­ing, con­tain­ing rules on liv­ing a good life. While pre­serv­ing uni­ver­sal rel­e­vance, the nov­el is imbued with Jew­ish val­ues, a metaphor for the Peo­ple of the Book. Cho­sen because of their rela­tion­ship to the Gold­en Ratio (Phi), the chil­dren trav­el on a Phi-Fly­er & are guid­ed by a wise raven. The chil­dren must learn how to nav­i­gate the infi­nite dimen­sions of quan­tum physics to save the Land of the Mind from falling into chaos. This chil­dren’s nov­el intro­duces chil­dren to quan­tum physics and clas­sic moral­i­ty through an adven­ture in anoth­er uni­verse. Doing for quan­tum mechan­ics what Alice in Won­der­land did for math­e­mat­ics, it’s a cel­e­bra­tion of the pow­er of words and the role of sci­ence, exquis­ite­ly illustrated.

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