
Glim­mer­ing Girls: A Nov­el of the Fifties

  • Review
By – July 9, 2012
It’s 1959 at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Flori­da, and that means: no boys allowed past the dorm lob­by, a 10:00 p.m. cur­few for the girls, and if you aren’t engaged by senior year, you are to become a teacher or, worse yet, a nurse. Fran­cie, a senior edu­ca­tion major who dreams of becom­ing a writer, does not want to spend the rest of her senior year eye­ing bridal mag­a­zines while she sits date­less on a Sat­ur­day night, pray­ing for Mr. Right to come along. When Fran­cie meets Aman­da and Liz at an emer­gency dorm meet­ing, the three of them decide to shake things up for the rest of year. Aman­da and Liz take Fran­cie into a world of fun, adven­ture, and boys. When the three of them decide to move off cam­pus, and share a house with three men, includ­ing two hunky twins, Fran­cie learns to lead the life she wants, rather than the life she is expect­ed to have, and in the end finds the hap­pi­ness she was look­ing for. This book is a fun, easy read that will remind old­er women of how it was way back when, and teach younger gen­er­a­tions to appre­ci­ate the fem­i­nist move­ment, and the choic­es female col­lege stu­dents have now.

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