
Hel­lo, Hanukkah!

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

In Hel­lo, Hanukkah!, a charm­ing bad­ger and spir­it­ed hoopoe (the nation­al bird of Israel) team up to intro­duce young chil­dren to the rit­u­als and tra­di­tions of Hanukkah. As Bad­ger spins drei­dels, nosh­es on gelt, and reads about the Mac­cabees, his friend Hoopoe is on hand to join in the cel­e­bra­tion. Songs are sung, latkes are fried, suf­ganiy­ot are filled, and the meno­rah is lit with the shamash can­dle. Young lis­ten­ers and ear­ly read­ers alike will become famil­iar­ized with the con­cepts of col­or and count­ing lay­ered through­out the book as each night, Bad­ger choos­es dif­fer­ent col­ored can­dles to count and place in the meno­rah. On the last night of Hanukkah, Hoopoe and Bad­ger are joined by the rest of Bad­ger’s fam­i­ly, and togeth­er they chant the bless­ing over the candles.

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