
Hes­i­ta­tion Wounds

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

In a new nov­el by Amy Kop­pel­man, the author of I Smile Back (now a film star­ring Sarah Sil­ver­man), Dr. Susan­na Seliger is a renowned psy­chi­a­trist who spe­cial­izes in treat­ment-resis­tant depres­sion. The most dif­fi­cult cas­es come through her door, and Susa is always ready to dis­cuss treat­ment options, med­ica­tion, and symp­tom man­age­ment, but draws the line at engag­ing with feel­ings. A strict adher­ence to pro­to­col keeps her from falling apart.

But her past is made present by one patient, Jim, whose strug­gles tear open Susa’s hasti­ly stitched-up wounds, reveal­ing the latent feel­ing that she could have helped the peo­ple clos­est to her€especially her adored, cool, tal­ent­ed graf­fi­ti-artist broth­er. Spec­tac­u­lar­ly orig­i­nal and gor­geous­ly unset­tling, Hes­i­ta­tion Wounds is a nov­el that will sink in like a per­sis­tent scar or a dan­ger­ous, glow-in-the-dark memory.

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