
Home­land: The Illus­trat­ed His­to­ry of the State of Israel

Marv Wolf­man, Mario Ruiz, and William J. Rudin
  • From the Publisher
October 6, 2011
Using an inno­v­a­tive method of illus­tra­tion that com­bines pho­tographs and full-col­or dig­i­tal art, this graph­ic non-fic­tion instills Jew­ish pride and a sense of peo­ple­hood in its read­ers. It is filled with notable fig­ures in Israel’s his­to­ry, from Abra­ham and Sarah to Ariel Sharon and Ilan Ramon. World­wide events that have affect­ed Israel, such as the Holo­caust, the Gulf Wars, and the ter­ror­ist attacks on Sep­tem­ber 11, 2001 are cov­ered, as are the con­tri­bu­tions of Israelis to the arts, sci­ences, and technology. 

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