
Kapus­ta: Veg­etable-For­ward Recipes from East­ern Europe

  • From the Publisher
March 3, 2024

Focus­ing on five key veg­eta­bles to the region – cab­bage, beet­root, pota­to, car­rot and mush­rooms – it hon­ors a phi­los­o­phy of cook­ing that has afford­abil­i­ty, sea­son­al­i­ty, sus­tain­abil­i­ty and, above all, great fla­vor at its heart. With chap­ters on dumplings and pick­les and fer­ments as well, you’ll find a diver­si­ty of dish­es which exem­pli­fy the East­ern Euro­pean culi­nary DNA.

Recipes are accom­pa­nied by beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy and include a range of both meat-based and veg­e­tar­i­an dish­es such as A Cab­bage Strudel, both Veg­an and Beef Borsch, Pota­to Bab­ka, Piero­gi, a Tzimmes Car­rot Cake, Bul­gar­i­an Mush­room and Wal­nut Pâté, and a range of sauerkrauts.

Kapus­ta bursts with orig­i­nal recipes and shines a spot­light on the whole kalei­do­scope of lit­tle-known culi­nary cul­tures and his­to­ry from across the exten­sive region.

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