
Make Your Kid a Mon­ey Genius

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

From Beth Koblin­er, the author of the best­selling per­son­al finance bible Get a Finan­cial Life—a new, must-have guide show­ing par­ents how to teach their chil­dren from tod­dlers to young adults to man­age mon­ey in a smart way. Make Your Kid a Mon­ey Genius (Even If You’re Not) is a jar­gon-free, step-by-step guide to help par­ents teach their kids about mon­ey. It turns out the key to rais­ing a mon­ey genius isn’t to teach that four quar­ters equal a dol­lar or how to pick a stock. Instead, it’s about instill­ing val­ues that have been proven to make peo­ple suc­cess­ful — not just finan­cial­ly, but in life: delay­ing grat­i­fi­ca­tion, work­ing hard, get­ting a good edu­ca­tion, and act­ing gen­er­ous­ly toward oth­ers. You don’t need to be a mon­ey genius to make your kid a mon­ey genius. Regard­less of your com­fort lev­el with finance — or your fam­i­ly’s income — this charm­ing and fun book is an essen­tial guide for pass­ing along endur­ing finan­cial prin­ci­ples, mak­ing your kids wise beyond their years — and peers — when it comes to money.

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