
Man­ag­ing Bubbie

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Her devot­ed fam­i­ly only wants the best for their Bub­bie. Most­ly they want to ensure that their matri­arch’s twi­light years are spent in com­fort, safe­ty, and seren­i­ty. But how do you man­age an aging, immutably stub­born Holo­caust sur­vivor who has risen above the squalor of Poland’s ghet­tos, fled across the war-torn Ger­man wilder­ness, and sur­vived the win­ter-rav­aged Pyre­nees alone, on foot, with three chil­dren? You prob­a­bly don’t. Man­ag­ing Bub­bie is a heartrend­ing, hilar­i­ous fam­i­ly mem­oir by Rus­sel Laze­ga that recounts the fre­quent­ly hec­tic ever-exhaust­ing tri­als of one Jew­ish fam­i­ly in Mia­mi Beach as they try to over­see the care of the elder­ly, unman­age­able Lea Laze­ga. As they scram­ble for an accept­able assist­ed liv­ing facil­i­ty and strug­gle to get her med­ica­tion in line, they dis­cov­er the dif­fi­cul­ties of con­trol­ling a woman who time and again elud­ed cat­a­stro­phe by refus­ing to be told what to do. A tapes­try of an Amer­i­can fam­i­ly in the 1980s, Man­ag­ing Bub­bie also revis­its the Holo­caust peri­od to mine the love, hope, and humor that emerged from the deep­est despair. Any­one who savors a soft heart with a sharp fun­ny bone will laugh cry and com­mis­er­ate with the con­found­ed fam­i­ly who must man­age their beloved impos­si­ble Bub­bie. Now a celebri­ty ensem­ble audio­book star­ring: Lin­da Lavin; Gavin McLeod; Lainie Kazan; Renee Tay­lor; Judy Tenu­ta and more.”

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