
Match­mak­er Match­mak­er: Find Me a Love That Lasts

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

From pro­fes­sion­al dat­ing coach and star of Netflix’s hit Jew­ish Match­mak­ing comes a warm and wise guide to dat­ing with pur­pose and find­ing love that will last. In her par­a­digm-shift­ing book, Aleeza Ben Shalom, dat­ing coach and Net­flix star, will guide read­ers through her high­ly orig­i­nal per­spec­tive on dat­ing, reveal­ing the sur­pris­ing ways in which a person’s dat­ing habits direct­ly influ­ence their chances of find­ing last­ing love. With her unique blend of wis­dom and humor, Aleeza debunks wide­spread soci­etal myths about love, invit­ing read­ers to reframe how they approach the prac­tice of dat­ing. Each chap­ter intro­duces the read­er to a spe­cif­ic method­ol­o­gy while also shar­ing select clients’ sto­ries to show the the­o­ry in prac­tice. Help­ful tools, includ­ing check­lists, rules, reminders, tips, hacks, and fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions, are includ­ed throughout.

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