
Mem­oir of an Inde­pen­dent Woman

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
It takes a cer­tain kind of woman to have the courage to defy soci­etal con­ven­tions. In an era when her female coun­ter­parts were still expect­ed to mar­ry ear­ly and have chil­dren, Tania Grossinger set out on her own. This is her sto­ry. After spend­ing her child­hood at the famous Grossinger’s resort in the Catskills, Tania Grossinger was the pub­li­cist for the ground­break­ing The Fem­i­nine Mys­tique (over four mil­lion copies sold), spent sev­en years as the Direc­tor of Broad­cast Pro­mo­tion for Play­boy Mag­a­zine and the Play­boy Club, did PR for The $64,000 Ques­tion, escaped her first mar­riage, and went to live in Mex­i­co — and that’s only the begin­ning. Rub­bing shoul­ders with some of Amer­i­ca’s most famous fig­ures, what Tania has to reveal about Ayn Rand (she has a sense of humor after all), Tim­o­thy Leary, Jack­ie Robin­son, Hugh Hefn­er, and the unsolved dis­ap­pear­ance of a fel­low trav­el writer in Jamaica, will keep you up at night turn­ing the pages of one of the most inter­est­ing women to put pen to paper in recent memory. 

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