

Eshkol Nevo
  • From the Publisher
March 1, 2017

Dori’s father has gone trav­el­ling in South Amer­i­ca and, suf­fer­ing from some kind of break­down, fol­low­ing the death of his wife, he goes miss­ing. Dori sets out to find him, leav­ing his wife and young son at home in Israel. Inbar is escap­ing from her life — from the grief that she can’t shake after her broth­er’s death, from the boyfriend she does­n’t love — and impul­sive­ly sets out for South Amer­i­ca. While she’s there she meets a man who is search­ing for his father…In his most ambi­tious nov­el to date, Eshkol Nevo weaves a beau­ti­ful love sto­ry with two tales: the sto­ry of the wan­der­ing Jews who came to their Promised Land in the wake of the Sec­ond World War, embod­ied by Inbar’s grand­moth­er Lily’s nar­ra­tive of her sea jour­ney over from Poland, and the sto­ry of a new gen­er­a­tion of wan­der­ing Israelis who leave again to go back­pack­ing, per­haps hop­ing that the dis­tance will allow them to see their home­land more clear­ly. Neu­land is a roman­tic adven­ture, a search for a father that leads to love, and a quest for an under­stand­ing of iden­ti­ty and for sec­ond chances. Is it ever pos­si­ble to start again? Nevo has pro­duced a dar­ing, epic nov­el that asks pro­found ques­tions, but the truth and warmth of his writ­ing make it all-con­sum­ing and irre­sistibly loveable.

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