
Newark Min­ute­men: A True 1930’s Leg­end About a Box­er Who Tries to Save a Nation’s Soul With­out Los­ing His Own

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Newark Min­ute­men, a 1930s fic­tion­al­ized true sto­ry about Jew­ish Amer­i­can box­ers backed by the FBI and Mafia who fight Amer­i­can Nazis when no one else will, fol­lows the for­bid­den love affair between Jew­ish box­er Yael New­man and Amer­i­can Nazi Krista Brecht. The Nazi par­ty is on the rise, led by the charis­mat­ic and dan­ger­ous Führer Fritz Kuhn, the self-styled Amer­i­can Hitler. Tens of thou­sands of Amer­i­cans have joined a cam­paign of rabid nation­al­ism and anti­semitism that puts Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy on tri­al. While the Par­ty is plan­ning their biggest expan­sion ever, one that will posi­tion them at the fore­front of US pol­i­tics, a young Jew­ish box­er fights for a mili­tia formed by the FBI and run by promi­nent Jew­ish gang­sters. Since wit­ness­ing his father’s mur­der as a boy, Yael swears vengeance tem­pered by jus­tice against the Amer­i­can Führer’s cru­sade for a Fas­cist Amer­i­ca nour­ished by the Third Reich. He infil­trates the Par­ty dis­guised as a Storm Troop­er in an attempt to bring them down. Along the way, he falls in love with the daugh­ter of the ene­my. For­bid­den love, spies, and assas­si­na­tion com­pli­cate the jour­ney. Most arrest­ing, we hear 1930 echoes of Amer­i­can Führer’s Nurem­berg-like cry on President’s Day, 1939 at Madi­son Square Gar­den that calls for all Ger­man Amer­i­cans to rise up and Make Amer­i­ca Great.” Based on a true sto­ry, this is one man’s mis­sion to save a nation’s soul with­out los­ing his own.

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