
Not Even A Number

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Rifchu and her fam­i­ly were liv­ing nor­mal hap­py lives until anti­semitism first start­ed run­ning ram­pant like a dis­ease through­out her small vil­lage in the Sub-Carpathi­an Moun­tains. Rifchu began to real­ize that her hap­py world was about to crum­ble. April 1944 Rifchu and her fam­i­ly were ripped from their home and tak­en to the Mukacheve Ghet­to. The con­di­tions were harsh and vir­u­lent but the entire fam­i­ly was alive and togeth­er. One month lat­er Rifchu’s fam­i­ly was sev­ered for­ev­er when they were tak­en to Auschwitz II- Birkeneu. Before Rifchu’s and her moth­er were sep­a­rat­ed her moth­er made Rifchu promise to take care of her sis­ters sur­vive and to tell the world about the atroc­i­ties of the Holo­caust. Rifchu had no idea how she was going to sur­vive Auschwitz, the world’s largest Jew­ish grave­yard, and Dr. Men­gele. So she changed her name and spent every day deter­mined to keep her promise to her mother.

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