

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Rewrit­ing Eden, Vic­to­ria Redel inter­ro­gates the idea of par­adise with­in the his­tor­i­cal con­text of bor­ders, exile, and dias­po­ra that brought us to the present glob­al migra­tion cri­sis. Draw­ing from a long fam­i­ly his­to­ry of fight and refuge, the poems in Par­adise inter­weave reli­gion and myth, per­son­al lore and nation-build­ing, bor­ders actu­al and imag­ined. They ask: What if what we fell from was nev­er, actu­al­ly, grace? What is a bound­ary, real­ly? Redel nav­i­gates geopo­lit­i­cal perime­ters while also ques­tion­ing the bor­der between the liv­ing and the dead and delin­eat­ing the migra­tions aging women make in their bod­ies and lives. With stark lyri­cism and unflinch­ing atten­tion, Par­adise con­sid­ers how a lega­cy of trau­ma shapes imag­i­na­tion and asks read­ers to see the threads that tie con­tem­po­rary cat­a­stro­phes to the exi­gen­cies and ight paths that made us.

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