
Par­ent­ing in the Present Moment: How to Stay Focused on What Real­ly Matters

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

This gen­er­a­tion of par­ents is over­whelmed with par­ent­ing advice; Car­la Naum­burg sets out to remind them that they have every­thing they need to raise healthy, hap­py chil­dren. Mind­ful par­ent­ing is about pay­ing atten­tion to what is going on with your chil­dren and your­self with­out judg­ing it or freak­ing out about it or think­ing every­one, includ­ing your­self and your child, should be doing some­thing dif­fer­ent­ly. In Par­ent­ing in the Present Moment, Naum­burg shares what tru­ly mat­ters in par­ent­ing — con­nect­ing with chil­dren in ways that are mean­ing­ful to them and you, stay­ing ground­ed amidst the crazi­ness of par­ent­ing, and stay­ing present for what­ev­er life throws your way.

With reas­sur­ing, com­pas­sion­ate sto­ry­telling, she weaves the most cur­rent the­o­ries — about healthy rela­tion­ships, com­pas­sion­ate self-care, and mind­ful­ness — through­out vignettes of her own chaot­ic child­hood and strug­gles and suc­cess­es as a parent.

Par­ent­ing is an ongo­ing jour­ney that con­stant­ly chal­lenges every par­ent to be com­pas­sion­ate and cre­ative in their inter­ac­tions with their chil­dren. Each fam­i­ly needs to find its own unique style, and Par­ent­ing in the Present Moment will help.

Read Car­la Naum­burg’s Vis­it­ing Scribe Posts

A Bracelet, a Neck­lace, and a Book Tour

Learn­ing the True Val­ue of My Thoughts

Discussion Questions