
Rooms for Vanishing

  • Review
By – March 11, 2025

In his fourth book, Rooms for Van­ish­ing, Stu­art Nadler cre­ates a super­nat­ur­al fam­i­ly saga that explores what it means to live in the after­math of tragedy and loss.

At the cen­ter of the nov­el is the Alter­man fam­i­ly, torn from their home in Vien­na dur­ing the Holo­caust. The Alter­mans shat­ter apart when Son­ja, the daugh­ter, is sent on the Kinder­trans­port to Britain to escape the Nazis. Nadler weaves a nar­ra­tive of sur­vival for each of the four fam­i­ly mem­bers, fol­low­ing their sep­a­rate sto­ries for decades and across the globe to the places where they even­tu­al­ly land.

The nov­el opens in 1979, with Sonja’s nar­ra­tive. Son­ja lives in Lon­don, but trav­els in search of her hus­band who has dis­ap­peared. She believes the rest of her fam­i­ly was mur­dered soon after she left Vien­na. At times, she appears to be unable to dis­tin­guish fan­ta­sy from reality. 

Fania, the moth­er, Moses, the son, and Arnold, the father, fol­low as nar­ra­tors, weav­ing their sep­a­rate tales in what appear to be par­al­lel, or equal­ly pos­si­ble or impos­si­ble, futures. All four of the fam­i­ly mem­bers are lost, in exile, and griev­ing, while also sens­ing or hear­ing each other’s at-times tan­ta­liz­ing­ly close yet iso­lat­ed exis­tences. Their sto­ries have moments of joy and laugh­ter but, over­all, pul­sate with heartache.

Nadler is a skilled writer who cre­ates a fan­tas­tic, and yet some­how believ­able, world replete with Jew­ish mys­ti­cism or super­nat­ur­al ele­ments, includ­ing a dop­pel­gänger, ghosts, and the Golem of Prague. Through­out the book, Nadler explores the nature of life and death, cre­at­ing more ques­tions than answer­ing them. Are the nar­ra­tors even alive? Are they liv­ing in par­al­lel uni­vers­es or haunt­ing each oth­er? Is this a nov­el about how grief can cause peo­ple to lose their con­nec­tion to real­i­ty, a com­plex ghost sto­ry, or both? What does it mean to con­tin­ue exist­ing when those you loved most were tak­en from you? 

Nadler also weaves mul­ti­ple mini sto­ries, or vignettes, into each narrator’s tale in order to deep­en the themes of grief and the blurred bound­aries between the liv­ing and the dead. In a par­tic­u­lar­ly strange but mov­ing moment, a mur­dered poet’s ghost recounts to Moses how it has been fol­low­ing a woman both the ghost and Moses know. The woman wants the ghost to go away and tells him that she is already haunt­ed by the death that has engulfed her dur­ing her time in Europe in the after­math of the Holo­caust. “[D]o you think you are the first ghost who has ever fol­lowed me?” she asks. Do you think I have not been liv­ing with one foot in your world ever since I was a child?”

Through poignant moments of nar­ra­tion, Nadler expert­ly devel­ops the com­plex­i­ty of Jew­ish sur­vival, par­tic­u­lar­ly after the Holo­caust, when the dead can some­times seem as alive as the living.

Anna Stol­ley Per­sky, a jour­nal­ist and lawyer by back­ground, writes fic­tion and cre­ative non­fic­tion. She’s been pub­lished in The Wash­ing­ton Post, Mys­tery Tri­bune, Ellery Queen, and Pit­head Chapel.

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