
Sarah’s Love

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

If you have ever strug­gled with a con­flict between career and love, or between a career that brings you mate­r­i­al and social suc­cess and being with some­one you love — you will be gal­va­nized by Sarah’s Love. Sarah Mendes, a young Sephardic Jew, is a part­ner in a pow­er­house Man­hat­tan law firm. She falls deeply in love with a Jew­ish attor­ney who wants noth­ing more than to live on an island.

Sarah is thor­ough­ly immersed in her Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, and indeed, dur­ing an excur­sion to Israel, she strong­ly weighs stay­ing there and not return­ing to America.

Should you throw away a bril­liant career for love? Is there a chance you might find anoth­er side of your­self in the process? These are the ques­tions this page-turn­ing nov­el rais­es and may answer for the many young strivers today strug­gling with sim­i­lar conflicts.

Discussion Questions