
Sink­able: Obses­sion, the Deep Sea, and the Ship­wreck of the Titanic

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

It’s one of the most beloved sto­ries of all time, and it has the most gut-wrench­ing human themes: tragedy, trau­ma, and sur­vival. But what came next?

Sink­able is a sequel to the wide­ly known Titan­ic sto­ry — not of a ship, but of a wreck, com­plete with a cen­tu­ry’s worth of sci­en­tif­ic, eco­nom­ic, and bio­log­i­cal odd­i­ties. It’s a char­ac­ter-dri­ven sto­ry about ship­wrecks and the strange under­world of obses­sive peo­ple who devote their lives to sunken ships. And it includes tons of fun sto­ries about big ships, our mys­te­ri­ous oceans, and some wild CIA oper­a­tions you’ve nev­er heard of.

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic edi­tor and Jew­ish author Daniel Stone takes audi­ences on an excit­ing deep-sea jour­ney of mys­tery, dis­cov­ery, and tri­umph with tales of ocean bat­tles and eye-pop­ping buried trea­sure. Geared toward a gen­er­al audi­ence, Stone answers the age-old ques­tion, what else on earth is still wait­ing to be discovered?

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