
Some­one Just Like You

  • From the Publisher
December 12, 2023

Two child­hood rivals are forced to work togeth­er to plan their par­ents’ anniver­sary par­ty in this pitch-per­fect ene­mies-to-lovers rom-com.” (Book­Page)

New York­er Mol­ly Blum knows every­thing about her life­long neme­sis, Jude Stark. With their fam­i­lies so close, they should have been best friends. Instead, she thinks he’s a too-charm­ing slack­er, and he thinks she’s aller­gic to fun. After years of one-upping each other’s pranks (choco­late-dipped cat treats are not as deli­cious as they appear), one high school joke went too far, and they stopped speak­ing com­plete­ly. But now that they’re sup­posed to help plan a mas­sive par­ty for their par­ents — togeth­er — there’s no bet­ter time to resume their war.

And it is on. Only some­where between all the snip­ing and harm­less hijinks, a reluc­tant friend­ship devel­ops, along with an unex­pect­ed spark of sex­u­al ten­sion. It might have to do with the fact that she’s been dat­ing Jude-looka­likes and he’s been dat­ing Mol­ly dop­pel­gangers. Or the fact that nei­ther of them is near­ly as hor­ri­ble as they thought. All Mol­ly and Jude know is that they’ve mas­tered the art of hat­ing each oth­er. Falling in love, on the oth­er hand, is a whole new battlefield.

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