
Sweet Breath of Memory

  • From the Publisher
February 10, 2016

In the New Eng­land town of Amber­ley, a Lodz ghet­to sur­vivor named Miri­am Rosen is deter­mined to right an his­toric wrong. Although her efforts fail, Miri­am records her strug­gle in a jour­nal that dis­ap­pears at her death. 50 years lat­er, Cate Saun­ders, an Iraq War wid­ow, moves into Miriam’s apart­ment, where she dis­cov­ers the miss­ing jour­nal and feels a deep kin­ship with Miri­am. As she finds her men­tal foot­ing, Cate reach­es out to the women of Amber­ley. War has shred­ded many of their lives, and with the help of these sis­ters-in-arms she sets out to dis­cov­er the truth of her husband’s death. What Cate learns shat­ters her world. Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from Miriam’s nar­ra­tive, she begins to heal. Resolved to com­plete the task Miri­am began half a cen­tu­ry before, Cate locates Miri­am’s broth­er in Israel. In bring­ing him a pre­cious gift, Cate rewrites the final chap­ter of Miriam’s life — some­thing she must accept she can nev­er do for her husband.

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