
Takes One to Know One

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Just a few years ago, Corie Geller was bust­ing ter­ror­ists as an agent for the FBI. But at thir­ty-five, she trad­ed in her badge for the sta­bil­i­ty of mar­riage and moth­er­hood. Now Corie is mar­ried to the bril­liant and remark­ably hand­some Judge Josh Geller,and is the adop­tive moth­er of his love­ly 14-year-old daugh­ter. Between cook­ing meals and play­ing chauf­feur, Corie scouts Ara­bic fic­tion for a few lit­er­ary agen­cies and, on Wednes­days, has lunch with her fel­low Shore­haven free­lancers at a so-so French restau­rant. Life is as they say fine. But at her week­ly lunch­es, Corie sens­es that something’s off. Pete Delaney, a mil­que­toast pack­age design­er, always shows up ear­ly, sits in the same spot (often with a dif­fer­ent phone in hand), and keeps one eye on the Jeep he parks in the lot across the street. Corie intu­itive­ly feels that Pete is hid­ing some­thing — and as some­one who is accus­tomed to keep­ing her FBI past from her new neigh­bors she should know. But does Pete real­ly have a shady alter­nate life, or is Corie just imag­in­ing things des­per­ate to add some spark to her hum­drum sub­ur­ban exis­tence? She decides that the only way to find out is to dust off her FBI toolk­it and take a deep dive into Pete Delaney’s affairs. Always sassy, smart, and wicked­ly wit­ty, Susan Isaacs is at her for­mi­da­ble best in a nov­el that is both bit­ing­ly wry and omi­nous­ly thrilling.

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