This is the tenth title in a picture book series that follows the adventures of two Chihuahuas, Bella and Harry, as they travel with their family to explore cities of the world. The author states that the purpose of these books is to help young readers gain an appre- ciation of the world’s cultural diversity as they learn about each country’s customs, history, landmarks and cuisine. In Jerusalem, they visit Masada, the Western Wall and the Old City. They sample local cuisine (such as shawarma and knafeh) and learn basic Hebrew phrases.
Manzione refers to the Jewish faith rather than the Jewish religion. She calls the Western Wall (the “Kotel”) a “large, open air synagogue (a place where people of the Jewish faith go to worship)” and can “hold thousands of worshippers. Each day prayers take place both day and night for worshippers of the Jewish faith. It is important to know that every faith is welcome to join the worshippers and say their prayers silently if they want to.”
There are double-page-spread full color illustrations and the information is clearly and accessibly presented but the cutesy illustra- tions of the dogs makes the book seem as if it is geared for a younger audience than the informative text.
The book ends with a list of words and phrases in both Hebrew and English. Recommended for ages 5 – 7.