
The Bal­le­ri­na of Auschwitz: Young Adult Edi­tion of The Choice

  • From the Publisher
September 24, 2023

In this young adult edi­tion of the best­selling, award-win­ning mem­oir The Choice, Holo­caust sur­vivor and renowned psy­chol­o­gist Dr. Edith Eger shares her har­row­ing expe­ri­ences and gives read­ers the gift of hope and strength.

Edie is a tal­ent­ed dancer and a skilled gym­nast with hopes of mak­ing the Olympic team. Between her rig­or­ous train­ing and her strug­gle to find her place in a fam­i­ly where she’s the daugh­ter with brains but no looks,” Edie’s too busy to dwell on the state of the world. But life in Hun­gary in 1943 is dan­ger­ous for a Jew­ish girl.

Just as Edie falls in love for the first time, Europe col­laps­es into war, and Edie’s fam­i­ly is forced onto a train bound for the Auschwitz con­cen­tra­tion camp. Even in those dark­est of moments, Edie’s beloved, Eric, kin­dles hope. I’ll nev­er for­get your eyes,” he tells her through the slats of the cat­tle car. Auschwitz is hor­ri­fy­ing beyond belief, yet through star­va­tion and unthink­able ter­rors, dreams of Eric sus­tain Edie. Against all odds, Edie and her sis­ter Mag­da sur­vive, thanks to their sis­ter­hood and sheer grit.

Edie returns home filled with grief and guilt. Sur­vival feels more like a bur­den than a gift — until Edie rec­og­nizes that she has a choice. She can’t change the past, but she can choose how to live and even to love again.

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