
The Last Pilgrimage

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Lin­da Daly grew up hav­ing easy access to the best of every­thing. Like her moth­er, Lin­da became an active mem­ber of her com­mu­ni­ty with sev­er­al phil­an­thropic ven­tures and chaired the tikkun olam com­mit­tee at her tem­ple. With her moth­er’s diag­no­sis of stage-four pan­cre­at­ic can­cer, Lin­da ques­tioned her faith. Dur­ing the High Hol­i­days of 2009, Lin­da grant­ed her moth­er’s last wish, to vis­it the Brazil­ian faith heal­er, John of God, dur­ing his res­i­den­cy in New York. There, Lin­da hoped to restore her wan­ing spir­i­tu­al­i­ty while her moth­er hoped to cure her can­cer. This unlike­ly pil­grim­age took a fright­en­ing turn when the faith heal­er revealed him­self as a char­la­tan and her moth­er’s heath rapid­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ed. Unable to fly home, Lin­da’s two broth­ers flew to meet their moth­er and sis­ter. In a rent­ed RV, dur­ing Sukkot, the fam­i­ly embarked on what would become their final road tripa jour­ney that brought peace to Nan­cy, a renewed fam­i­ly bond and where Lin­da dis­cov­ers how even a beau­ti­ful, tem­po­rary and frag­ile life can impact one for a lifetime. 

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