
The Parasha: Parashat Hashavua for Children

  • From the Publisher
March 14, 2023

It’s fun to read a sto­ry with your par­ents, on Shab­bat morn­ing or before bed — to cud­dle up next to them, to look at the pic­tures, to imag­ine old­en times … It’s excit­ing to dis­cov­er our own sto­ry. The Parasha is the per­fect way to intro­duce chil­dren to the Chu­mash, the basis of what we believe. Retelling all the parashot of the Torah, in order, this series has been enjoyed by tens of thou­sands of chil­dren in Israel, and by pop­u­lar demand is now avail­able in Eng­lish! Emi­ly Amrousi, a well-known jour­nal­ist and chil­dren’s author, has cre­at­ed a sweet, sen­si­tive ren­di­tion of the Torah’s sto­ries, while Mena­hem Hal­ber­stadt has brought them to life with vivid, mag­i­cal illustrations.

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