
The Tragedy Test: Mak­ing Sense of Life-Chang­ing Loss – A Rab­bi’s Journey

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

When tragedy strikes we want to know: Why did this hap­pen? How could it have hap­pened? Where is life’s jus­tice and fair­ness? When tragedy strikes we need to know: What still makes sense. What paths lead to heal­ing. How to deal with the time­less ques­tions. When Rab­bi Richard Agler’s twen­ty-six-year-old daugh­ter Talia was struck and killed by a motor vehi­cle, his under­stand­ing of tragedy failed him. This book is an account of a jour­ney one he had no choice but to take, lead­ing from unimag­in­able grief to (at least par­tial) recov­ery. In clear and com­pelling lan­guage, with ref­er­ences to both ancient and mod­ern sources of wis­dom, Rab­bi Agler offers insight for every­one who has, or who one day might, expe­ri­ence painful loss. The Tragedy Test may give you enhanced clar­i­ty on some of humanity’s most pro­found ques­tions. It may lead you to reimag­ine the nature of our uni­verse. It may fun­da­men­tal­ly chal­lenge your under­stand­ing of the God you thought you knew. It will not leave you unmoved or unchanged.

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