
The Unbreak­ables: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

The Unbreak­ables is a cap­ti­vat­ing tale of Sophie Bloom, a Jew­ish woman from the Chica­go sub­urbs, who jets off to France after her per­fect” mar­riage col­laps­es, putting the bro­ken pieces of her­self back togeth­er while reviv­ing her own joie de vivre. With her life frac­tured, a betrayed Sophie expe­ri­ences a tsuna­mi of emo­tions. There in the City of Light, Sophie begins the dif­fi­cult jour­ney of self-redis­cov­ery. The trail takes her south, to the artis­tic hub of Saint-Paul-de-Vence. In this beau­ti­ful and seduc­tive town, she embraces her desires, unearthing her sen­su­al­i­ty, and reclaim­ing her pas­sion for sculpt­ing. Sophie becomes a ghost sculp­tor,” work­ing with a famous French artist who is dying. Togeth­er they cre­ate Eve” — a mas­ter­piece of the Bib­li­cal hero­ine. Ulti­mate­ly, as Sophie comes to terms with who she is now and what she wants for her next chap­ter, she must fig­ure out how the pieces of her past and present fit togeth­er. This pow­er­ful nov­el reflects sec­ond chances, female bond­ing, find­ing love again, faith, empow­er­ment, and embrac­ing the truths that set us free.

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