
The Ven­tril­o­quists

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Orphaned when the Nazis invad­ed, street urchin Helene sur­vives liv­ing as a boy and sell­ing copies of Le Soir, now turned into Nazi propoganda. 

Helene’s entire world changes when she befriends a mis­fit jour­nal­ist Marc Aubri­on, who draws her in to the Front de l’Indépendance, a secret net­work of resis­tance fight­ers pub­lish­ing dis­si­dent under­ground newspapers. 

Aubrion’s unbri­dled cre­ativ­i­ty and lin­guis­tic genius attracts the atten­tion of August Wolff, a high-rank­ing Nazi offi­cial tasked with sway­ing pub­lic opin­ion against the Allies. Wolff gives the resis­tance fight­ers an impos­si­ble choice: use the voice of the resis­tance to paint the Allies as mon­sters or be killed. Faced with no deci­sion at all, Aubri­on has a bril­liant idea — they will pre­tend to do the Nazi’s bid­ding, while writ­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing a fake edi­tion of Le Soir. Faux” Soir will mock the Reich, poke fun at Hitler and Stal­in, and return pow­er to the Bel­gians by laugh­ing in the face of their oppres­sors. The ven­tril­o­quists have agreed to die for a joke, and they have only eigh­teen days to tell it.

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