
Unfin­ished Busi­ness: One Man’s Extra­or­di­nary Year of Try­ing to Do the Right Things

  • From the Publisher
August 15, 2013

After los­ing his job, Lee Kravitz, a worka­holic in his mid­fifties, took stock of his life and real­ized just how dis­con­nect­ed he had become from the peo­ple who mat­tered most to him. He com­mit­ted an entire year to recon­nect­ing with them and mak­ing amends. Kravitz takes lis­ten­ers on ten trans­for­ma­tion­al jour­neys, among them repay­ing a thir­ty-year-old debt, mak­ing a long-over­due con­do­lence call, find­ing an aban­doned rel­a­tive, and ful­fill­ing a for­got­ten promise. Along the way, we meet a cast of won­der­ful char­ac­ters and trav­el the globe-to a refugee camp in Kenya, a monastery in Cal­i­for­nia, the desert of south­ern Iran, a Lit­tle League game in upstate New York, and a bar in Krav­itz’s native Cleve­land. In each instance, the act of reach­ing out opens new paths for both per­son­al and spir­i­tu­al growth.All of us have unfin­ished busi­ness-the things we should have done but just let slip. Krav­itz’s sto­ry reveals that the things we’ve avoid­ed are exact­ly those that have the pow­er to trans­form, enrich, enlarge, and even com­plete us. The les­son of the book is one that is applic­a­ble to us all: Be mind­ful of what is most impor­tant, and act on it. The rewards will be imme­di­ate and lasting.

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