
Unique­ly Human: A Dif­fer­ent Way of See­ing Autism

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

At a time when Jew­ish insti­tu­tions are increas­ing­ly focused on the inclu­sion of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties, Unique­ly Human offers a fresh and com­pas­sion­ate approach to autism and oth­er dis­abil­i­ties. Essen­tial read­ing for all whose lives are touched by a dis­abil­i­ty or any­one who cares for the wel­fare of oth­ers, this ground­break­ing book by Dr. Bar­ry Prizant, an inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized expert, por­trays autism not as a trag­ic dis­abil­i­ty but as a unique way of being human. Prizant sug­gests a major shift: Instead of see­ing autism and oth­er dis­abil­i­ties as con­di­tions suf­fered” by indi­vid­u­als, he sees them as shared human expe­ri­ences that despite the chal­lenges cre­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties for per­son­al and spir­i­tu­al growth for all — the affect­ed per­son, the fam­i­ly, com­mu­ni­ty, and soci­ety. Unique­ly Human is filled with inspir­ing sto­ries and prac­ti­cal advice drawn from his four-decade career and offers per­spec­tive that read­ers and audi­ences will find uplift­ing and hopeful.

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