
Unrea­son­able Doubts: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Liana Cohen is an Ivy-league edu­cat­ed attor­ney han­dling felony appeals in the New York City pub­lic defend­er’s office. Her devot­ed boyfriend, Jakob Weiss, is a ris­ing star at a cor­po­rate law firm and ready to set­tle down. It all seems per­fect, but some­thing isn’t right.

Liana’s knowl­edge that most of her clients have com­mit­ted vio­lent crimes increas­ing­ly weighs on her. And despite their love, Liana ques­tions her future with Jakob.

Enter impris­oned felon Dan­ny Shea, whose aston­ish­ing blend of good looks, intel­li­gence and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty intrigue Liana. When she becomes con­vinced of his innocence,their rela­tion­ship strays from the pure­ly professional.

As she nav­i­gates this piv­otal junc­ture, Liana turns to tra­di­tion­al, yet uncon­ven­tion­al, Rab­bi Jor­dan Nacht. With com­pas­sion and nuance, the rab­bi and Liana debate Jew­ish ideals of jus­tice and Tikun Olam. Rab­bi Nacht reveals a path for Liana to rec­og­nize her Bash­ert, and helps her over­come her unfa­mil­iar­i­ty with prayer. Emerg­ing from this cross­roads in her life, Liana embraces her Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, redis­cov­ers pur­pose in her work, and finds her way back to love.

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