
Until Next Summer

  • From the Publisher
December 12, 2023

A heart­felt and hilar­i­ous frol­ic through a nos­tal­gic land­scape of col­or wars, first kiss­es, and toi­let-paper porch decor — with a cock­tail in hand.” — Shel­by Van Pelt, New York Times Best­selling author of Remark­ably Bright Crea­tures

Two for­mer best friends each find love at an adults-only sum­mer camp in this roman­tic and nos­tal­gic nov­el that proves once a camp per­son, always a camp per­son.”

Grow­ing up, Jessie and Hillary lived for sum­mer, when they’d be reunit­ed at Camp Chick­awah. The best friends vowed to become coun­selors togeth­er some­day, but they drift­ed apart after Hillary broke her promise and only Jessie stuck to their plan, work­ing her way up to become the camp direc­tor. 

When Jessie learns that the camp will be sold, she decides to plan one last hur­rah, invit­ing past campers — includ­ing Hillary — to a nos­tal­gic adult sum­mer camp” before clos­ing for good. Jessie and Hillary rebuild their friend­ship as they relive the best time of their lives — only now there are adult bev­er­ages, skin­ny dip­ping, and roman­tic entan­gle­ments. Strait­laced Hillary agrees to a no strings attached” sum­mer fling with the camp chef, while out­go­ing Jessie is drawn to a moody, reclu­sive writer who’s rent­ed a cab­in to work on his nov­el.

The friends soon real­ize this doesn’t have to be the last sum­mer. They’ll team up and work togeth­er, just like the old days. But if they can’t save their beloved camp, will they be able to take the hap­pi­ness of this sum­mer away with them?

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