
Val­or: Unsung Heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

Val­or fea­tures the thrilling sto­ries that are the fruit of Mark Lee Green­blat­t’s inter­views with brave Amer­i­can ser­vice­men from twen­ty-first-cen­tu­ry wars. These troops risked their lives for their coun­try, fel­low troops, and inno­cent civilians.

Still, until now, their sto­ries have large­ly gone unno­ticed, lost in the fren­zied, nasty polit­i­cal debates at home. As the author writes, This gen­er­a­tion does not have an Audie Mur­phy, and I set out to change that with this book.”

Detail­ing incred­i­ble feats, Green­blatt pro­vides glimpses into the minds of these men as they face gut-wrench­ing deci­sions and over­come enor­mous odds. This book, how­ev­er, is much more than tales of riv­et­ing action. Each chap­ter explores each hero’s emo­tions in the face of extreme danger.

Read­ers will be trans­port­ed to a vari­ety of set­tings — from close-quar­ters urban fight­ing in Iraq to moun­tain­side ambush­es in rur­al Afghanistan to a mid­night res­cue in the mid­dle of the Atlantic — as they look through the eyes of troops who do not see them­selves as heroes, but rather patri­ots in the line of duty.

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